About Us
Quality on-line retailer of genuine appliance parts, electrical accessories for your home appliances.
Partmaster is a part of Currys plc - the UK's leading retailer and service provider of consumer technology.
We have over 21 years experience of selling an extensive range of accessories and spares for electrical products. Our fully transactional website contains over 1 million spares & accessories, including our biggest ever choice of accessories to support older products as well as the latest technology and with new products coming into the shops all the time, we're constantly updating our range to ensure we've got what you need to get the best from your purchase now, tomorrow and for years to come.
Partmaster is operated by Screwfix Spares Limited on behalf of Currys Group Limited. Screwfix Spares Limited is an industry leader with over 40 years' experience and incorporating a range of over 1 million parts and spares.